Oil on Board
300 x 240mm
During my wilderness years in the building trade I collected various items I felt were interesting without particularly knowing why.
I once took home a lump of asphalt and created a little landscape on it using panel pins . It had to go - teenager's bedrooms smell bad enough and this wasn't improving things.
Slightly cuter were the weird shaped little bottles you'd come across from time to time - mostly dug up from trenches or sometimes laying dormant in lofts and found during a renovation. Once you have two or three you begin to realise they're all different and you want the next.
I like the way they sit together almost like a family portrait . I also like playing my part in their chronology.....something old whose original function has quickly passed that has passed through many hands and will certainly outlive us all and no doubt change hands again.
So as a portrait artist I'm counting this as my first family portrait. As it happens…I have five brothers and I can, with ease, see them all through the glass...