Oil on Canvas
850 x 500mm
This was a live portrait completed over 3 sittings with susanne picking up a lovely warm glow streaming in through the studio window from a late October afternoon sun - the glaze in her eyes one of gratitude we all feel when blessed with the last of the summer sun
As with all the live portraits the session comes to a grinding judder of a halt with the realisation that your mark-making is now detracting from, rather than adding to, the feel of the work.....and as with all the other live portraits there's the temptation to do some tidying-up after the sitting - rightly or wrongly i always try to resist this to avoid compromising the spirit of the live sitting; but it does mean it can look sloppy in places which I prefer to describe as nervous energy!
When asked which of his works he felt were the most successful, icon of the Art world Frank Auerbach responded by saying his work was his work and didn't measure them in terms of success.... and that an artist who only showed his successful works was being fraudulent about his actual abilities
That's alright for him to say inn it...?