Oil on box canvas
1040 x 410mm
This is one of a whole series of works I did with this model. I think I had a Jack Vettriano painting in mind when I set up the pose and I was reasonably happy with some parts (never happy with all parts of anything I do)
I quite liked the backdrop through the net curtains which were wonderfully therapeutic to paint; the red dress is always dreamy to paint and no matter how bad a job you make of it still hangs credibly and………. is very red.
She also wore a necklace but once I started to paint it quickly realised it would, on its own, take as long as the rest of the painting so bare-necked she became. But the whole gig was spoilt for me by her facial profile which though entirely accurate just looks odd. I should have inclined it one way or another. So that was my lesson from this painting - never to paint a face in profile